






“Yosomono" net -- 

Worldwide anti-nuke association of Japanese people living abroad and their sympathizers.


In June 2012, we launched a petition to Japanese living abroad, which was addressed to our Prime Minister Noda, to contest the re-opening of the Ooi nuclear power plant. Within 2 days, we received 500 signatures from all over the world. As Japanese residents abroad are independently taking various actions against the nuclear, we feel strongly that our strength lies in co-operation. In Japan, more than 100 thousand citizens are demonstrating before the Prime Minister residence and the parliament weekly to protest Japan's need for nuclear power plants. On August 22, the National Association for Establishing Legislation on Nuclear Power Phase-Out was formed in Japan. Our intent is to correspond and work with all the citizen groups to continue to raise awareness and help increase efforts to protect citizens.

The word Yosomono which means outsider describes our situation of living outside of japan. We are foreigners, "outsiders", in the country where we reside but also in Japan where we are often considered by our compatriots as being separated out from the reality of the home situation. Frequently our voice is met by citizens at home with reactions such as “we don’t want to hear people abroad saying this or that” .


Japan remains our mother country and we are deeply worried about the gravity of the situation and are racking our brains to find out how we, living abroad, can express our concerns and sentiments. Our collective goal is to synchronize our voice with the inside who may have difficulties in perceiving the complexity of the risk emerging from this incident or to openly express their opinions. There are no borders in facing big issues regarding nuclear incidents. Contamination by radioactive substances and processing of nuclear waste are threatening our lives worldwide. We must unite beyond borders to work on the solutions together.

Presently in Japan, we must now deal with the emerging health issues of children living in contaminated zones and the reality of poor security management for nuclear workers, as well as the larger political, socio-economic issues, too big for an individual to tackle and which require fundamental reforms. Despite the gravity of the Fukushima-Daiichi accident, there has been no political initiative toward energy politic change in Japan. Our mission is to build a forum where we can pose questions, share knowledge, wisdom and creativity through our mailing list.and internet site, in order to build a strong base toward a democratic society where citizens’ voices and lives are respected. We are reaching out to all Japanese citizens abroad for your participation and cooperation.

September 2012



YOSOMONO-NET: réseau international de ressortissants japonais pour la sortie du nucléaire.


Suite aux actions de protestation menées contre le redémarrage de la centrale d'Ooi, dans la préfecture de Fukui, par des ressortissants japonais dans plusieurs villes d'Europe et ailleurs, la décision a été prise de constituer un réseau international pour la sortie du nucléaire.

Ce réseau, baptisé Yosomono-net, a pour but d'échanger des informations en temps réel afin d'agir au plus vite pour planifier et coordonner des initiatives simultanées à travers le monde. Il s'agit avant tout d'être plus efficace et plus fort pour dénoncer les effets de la catastrophe de Fukushima, toujours en cours.

Yosomono signifie "étranger, celui qui vient d'ailleurs". Pourquoi ce nom ? Parce qu’en plus de notre statut de résidents étrangers dans les pays où nous vivons, nous sommes parfois considérés comme des "étrangers" par nos compatriotes au Japon (sous-entendu: "ne venez pas vous mêler de nos affaires"). Mais nous pensons que la catastrophe de Fukushima a déjà et continuera d’avoir dans l’avenir des conséquences très graves et qu'il est plus que nécessaire d’agir également de l'extérieur pour soutenir ceux qui souffrent et luttent sur place. Nous avons choisi de nous associer aux mouvements de réflexions et aux actions destinées à faire sortir le Japon, ainsi que le reste du monde, de la domination non démocratique du nucléaire.